「Scan for patterns」
- Find a word in a signal of find a item in picture
- The need for shift invariance
- The location of a pattern is not important
- So we can scan with a same MLP for the pattern
- Just one giant network
- Restriction: All subnets are identical
- Regular networks vs. scanning networks
- In a regular MLP every neuron in a layer is connected by a unique weight to every unit in the previous layer
- In a scanning MLP each neuron is connected to a subset of neurons in the previous layer
- The weights matrix is sparse
- The weights matrix is block structured with identical blocks
- The network is a shared-parameter model
- Order changed
- Intuitivly, scan at one position and get output, then scan next place
- But we can also first scan all the position at one layer, then the next layer
- The result is the same
- Distrubuting the scan
- Evaluate small pattern in the first layer
- The higher layer implicitly learns the arrangement of sub patterns that represents the larger pattern
- Why distribute?
- More generalizable
- Distribution forces localized patterns in lower layers
- Number of parameters
- Fewer parameters
- Significant gains from shared computation
- More generalizable
- The pattern in the input image that each filter sees is its 「Receptive Field」
- Stride
- Effectively increasing the granularity of the scan
- This will result in a reduction of the size of the resulting maps
- Non-overlapped strides
- Partition the output of the layer into blocks, no overlap
- Within each block only retain the highest value
- Pooling
- We would like to account for some jitter in the first-level patterns
- Max pooling
- Is just a neuron
- This entire structure is called a Convolutional Neural Network
- The 1-D scan version of the convolutional neural network is the time-delay neural network
- Used primarily for speech recognition
- Max pooling optional: jitter matters in speech